C1 - 00 Dual GSM
C1-00 is a Nokia mobile phone with dual on GSM-GSM but only one will be active at a time., Nokia C1-00 has a contact memory that can store up to 500 entries, and store up to 250 SMS.
C1-00 also has a battery life that can last up to six weeks, and that it's the longest battery life that Nokia has ever provided on a phone. The phone also offers a flashlight, an FM radio, and a 3.5mm headphone jack.
Nokia C1- 01
Nokia C1-01 which will enter into the ranks of Nokia C1 is different from C1-00 which has two SIM card slots, Nokia C1-01 only have one SIM card slot. it also equipped with GPRS, Bluetooth, microSD slot, VGA camera, FM radio, MP3 player, and 3.5 audio jack.
Other features in Nokia C1-01 are Volume: 58 cc, 1000 Phonebook entries, Photocall, Call records, GPRS Class 10 (4+1/3+2 slots), 32 – 48 kbps, Bluetooth 2.0, microUSB v2.0, HTML Browser, Stereo FM radio with RDS, FM recording, Games, Java , MIDP 2.0, 5-way Navi Key, Customisable profiles wallpapers and pre-installed themes.
Unlike the C1-00 , the Nokia C1-02 is a single SIM product, and Nokia's most affordable device offering microSD compatibility (up to 32 GB), photography, or whatever other media suits them. The Nokia C1-02 brings a very individual design and exciting colors, bright color screens, web browsing over GPRS and access to Nokia web services such as Nokia Messaging.
Nokia C1-02 owners will also benefit from a standby battery time of up to six weeks, the longest ever for a Nokia mobile phone, especially useful in those parts of the world where access to electricity is sometimes limited.
The standard flashlight of the Nokia C1-02 - often someone's only means of bright light - is paired with a vivid color screen and FM radio with standard headphone jack, it means the Nokia C1-02 is as much about entertainment as it is about convenience.
With Nokia launching C1-00 will surely "Disturbing" the Market of other Dual Sim Mobile phone. Why? Nokia is not just a name. Everyone know Nokia, with this new product, everyone will surely asking and interested with this new mobile. Nokia also launching a "Low End" mobile with high capacity external memory (up to 32GB), it will make many customer interested with its high capacity memory.
Low End = Prices < 1 Million Rupiah
hopes, the info will be useful for your future references... :) (by. Nongkia)
pic taken from www.gsmarena.com
wow..canggih banget Nokia
BalasHapusNah, trnyata Nokia ga mau kalah saingan ama produk China. Terbukti dari peluncuran produk barunya yg dual SIM namun ext memorynya ampe 32 gb. Canggih euy
Harganya? dibawah 1 jutaan koq. Murah banget.
Ini dilakukan Nokia untuk menyaingi produk China yg uda marak beredar. Akhirnya Nokia membuktikan ketangguhannya. Tentunya dengan produk barunya, masyarakat pasti lebih milih Nokia donk. Kualitas uda ga usa ditanyakan. Apalagi garansi n service centernya jg jelas.
yea... bner skali saudari veranica ZHANG..
BalasHapusini membuktikan Nokia masih mempunyai semangat bersaing dengan HP Cina yang telah masuk ke Indonesia. :)
wah..mantap juga ni thread.
BalasHapusNokia emank cepat kalo masalah Update2 produk terkini..
harga juga terjangkau..
cuma Pengalaman nokia baterai suka drop..
eits... jangan salah... ini produk nokia C1, battre nya tahan loh... di biarkan stand-by aja bisa tahan ampe 6 Minggu...
BalasHapusGA GILA APA?
Lagian, kalo pun battere drop, kan bisa d service di Nokia Care terdekat. :)
ukh.... keren banget ni hape... mau... apalagi batere yg tahan lama...
BalasHapussayangnya bentuknya masih kurang bermodel. coba Nokia membuar model yang lebih menarik sehingga dapat menyaingi fitur2 yang keren tsb.
>.< HP yg C1-02 emank keren si,, dr segi kapasitas memory ny,, tp termask HP 'Low End',, >.<
BalasHapusmemang susah mencari HP yang benar2 klik di hati,, pasti ada aj kurangnya,,
Nokia C1-01 paling enak dibawa kemana2 bisa jd hp cadangan kalo lg hp hilang. yang penting itu bisa internet dan ada bluetotnya brow... ane br beli neh..... nggak nyesal dah pokoknya.... tp ada pc suite nya nggak ya bang nongkia......?